He’s so sure he’s going to win that once he overcame his supporter’s misgivings about speaking to a suspiciously gay-friendly publication like Washington City Paper, he informs LL that the Alexander administration will be very, very good to publications that aren’t headquartered at 15th and L streets NW. None of that matters to Alexander, though. (Well, that and the fact that Alexander had $701.55 in his campaign bank account at the end of the last reporting period.)
Council Chairman Vincent Gray in the race. Which is part of why he lags well behind Mayor Adrian Fenty and D.C.
Alexander has made opposition to gay marriage and illegal immigration the centerpieces of his effort. Gay readers, of course, fall somewhere well outside the demographic Alexander is pursuing in his quixotic bid for the Democratic Party nomination to be D.C.’s next mayor.
“One of my supporters said: ‘Don’t talk to the City Paper, their readership is gay,’” the long-shot mayoral hopeful says during an interview at his Brightwood home. No sooner has Leo Alexander sat down with Loose Lips than he starts telling LL he’s not supposed to be there.